Word of the Day: How to use 'Entah'
Entah can be used in the following ways: Exclamation: I don't know, I wonder Entah implies that the speaker has no knowledge of something and is also wondering about the answer. When used impulsively in casual settings, it is used to quickly brush off someone's inquirement either because of pure ignorance or disinterest. Be careful as it may sound dismissive in this way. On the contrary, when it is not directed to anyone (self-talk), it may reflect a sense of the speaker's despair due to not knowing something. Examples : 1. Entah. I don't know (and I don't care). {responding to someone's question} 2. Entah, saya pun tak tahu. (I don't know), I also don't know. 3. Entahlah, cuba tanya orang lain. I'm not sure, try asking the others. Entah {Adjective} entah tidak Conjunction: Who knows whether it's {Adjective} or isn't. This pattern is used to express that the truth about something is unsure of. Examples : 1. Restoran itu ent...