Word of the Day: How to use 'Supaya'
Supaya can be used in the following ways:
Conjunction: so that, in hope to
Supaya is used to connect a clause to another clause describing the most ideal result that the speaker had hoped for. Dapat often follows supaya denoting the state to be achieved. Agar which is more formal may be used interchangeably.
1. Saya tidur awal supaya dapat bangun awal.
I sleep early so that I'll be able to get up early.
2. Gunalah kemudahan awam dengan elok supaya orang lain pun dapat menggunakannya.
Use public facilities properly so that others could use them too.
3. Mereka bertungkus lumus memerah otak supaya dapat jumpa jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik.
They are struggling hard racking their brains in hope to find the best solution.
4. Dalam negara yang berbilang kaum, kita harus bersatu padu agar negara aman dan tenteram.
In a multicultural country, we have to be united so that our country will be in peace.
Conjunction: (hoping) for
Supaya is also used together with verbs in which a certain result is hoped to be achieved especially when it is well beyond the speaker's control (involving other people or greater power). In conversations, supaya is often dropped altogether and replaced with a pause. Hence, seeing agar being used for this function is more common.
1. Saya berdoa (agar) kesihatan awak sekeluarga terjaga.
I pray for you and your family's health.
2. Ibu pesan agar berbuat baik sentiasa.
Mother reminds (us) to always act kind.
3. Kami menaruh harapan agar wakil Malaysia muncul sebagai johan.
We placed our bets (hopes) that the Malaysian representative come out victorious.
4. Kerajaan menggesa agar rakyat keluar mengundi.
The government urges the people to come out and vote.
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