Word of the Day: How to use 'Sedikit'
Sedikit can be used in the following ways: Quantifier: a little, a few Sedikit can be placed before nouns to express small quantity. Sedikit can be shortened to sikit . Examples : 1. Saya ada sedikit duit. I have a little money. 2. Hanya ada sedikit orang sahaja. There are only a few people. 3. Saya tahu sikit saja. I only know a bit. 4. Tahu sikit tak bermaksud tak berguna. Knowing less (little) doesn't mean it's useless. Intensifier: a little bit When placed after an adjective, sikit is used to soften the adjective, bringing down the intensity of the adjective. Examples : 1. Orang itu pelik sikit. That person is a little bit weird. 2. Bagi saya banyak sikit. Give me a little bit more. 3. Saiz yang besar sikit, ada tak? Is there a size a little bit bigger (than this)? 4. Susah sikit nak pujuk dia sertai kita. It's a little bit difficult to persuade him to join us. si...