Word of the Day: How to use 'Paling'

Paling can be used in the following ways:

(Superlative) Intensifier: most

Paling can come before an adjective or stative verb to create a superlative structure. There are more than one ways to create superlative in Malay but using paling is the most basic. Do note that yang often would come in between the noun and paling as the structure involves comparison. However, it may be dropped in conversation.


1. Dia pelajar yang paling pandai di dalam kelas.

 He's the smartest student in class.

2. Negara Malaysialah negara yang paling sesuai untuk ekspat.

 Malaysia is the most suitable country for expats.

3. Bagi ibu bapa, anak-anaklah yang paling bernilai.

 Children are the most valuable (thing) for parents.

4. Saya paling tak suka orang yang suka datang lambat.

I don't like people who keep coming late the most.

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