Word of the Day: How to use 'Macam'
Macam can be used in the following ways: Adverb: like At it's foundation, macam means like, which can be used the same way as seperti . Additionally, macam also implies manner as in the way to do something. In English, most of the time using 'this' or 'that' would suffice to direct someone to do something in a certain way. Bagai which is a more formal version can be used interchangeably. Macam itu = Begitu Macam ini = Begini Examples : 1. Buat macam ini. Do it like this. 2. Jangan cakap macam itu. Don't say (like) that! 3. Macam mana nak mohon status penduduk tetap? How to apply for permanent resident? 4. Beginilah caranya kita mengatasi kelemahan diri tanpa mendatangkan keburukan. This is the way we overcome our weaknesses without causing harm. Semacam Adjective/Adverb: weird(ly), suspicious(ly) Semacam is a rather unique way to express the speaker's suspicion over something often implying that something is wrong or out of th...