Word of the Day: How to use 'Sementara'

Sementara can be used in the following ways:

Adjective: temporary

Sementara expresses the idea of temporariness implying that things will change eventually.


1. Dia hanyalah pembantu sementara.

 He is only a temporary asistant.

2. Hidup ini hanyalah sementara.

 This life is merely temporary.

3. Kita akan (meN)pindahkan operasi ke sini buat sementara waktu.

 We will move the operation here for a temporary time.

4. Penutupan sementara jalan itu menyebabkan kesesakan jalan raya.

The temporary closure of that road has caused road traffic.

Conjunction: while

When used as a conjunction, sementara introduces a temporary time period in which the main action is taken. The clause with sementara can be an action performed by another subject or a temporary state in which the primary subject is experiencing. 


1. Alia mengemas rumah sementara Hana memasak.

 Alia cleans the house while Hana is cooking.

2. Ayah membaca surat khabar sementara (menunggu) ibu bersiap.

 Father reads the newspaper while (waiting for) mother gets ready.

3. Terokailah dunia ini sementara masih muda.

 Explore the world while you're still young!

4. Jangan banyak bergerak sementara masih belum sembuh.

Don't move a lot while you're still not recovered.

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