Word of the Day: How to use 'Tolong'

Tolong can be used in the following ways:

(Causative) Verb: to help

Tolong is used to describe the action of helping. As a primary verb, (meN)tolong --> menolong comes before the indirect object which is the receiver of the help. If the indirect object is the speaker, it can be ommitted when tolong is followed with the action being done.


1. Dia selalu (meN)tolong saya.   

 He always helps me.   

 2. Maaf, saya tak boleh (meN)tolong awak esok.  

 Sorry, I can't help you tomorrow.

 3. Hana tolong (meN)angkat beg itu.

 Hana helped (me) carry that bag.

 4. Encik Ramli ada tolong mak di dapur?

 Did you help my mum in the kitchen?


(Imperative) Verb: please / help (me)

This way, tolong is used to get someone to help you. If the indirect object [receiver of the action] is the speaker, it can be ommited. Tolong can be preceded by boleh to form a polite request.


1. Tolong saya!   

Help me!   

2. Tolong ulang sekali lagi. 

Please repeat (one more time)!

3. Tolong cikgu bawa buku.

Help the teacher carry [bring] the books!

4. Boleh tolong buat kopi?

Can you help me brew a coffee?


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