Word of the Day: How to use 'Kalau'

Kalau can be used in the following ways:

Conjunction: if

Kalau is the most basic conjunction to form conditional structure in Malay. It can be used in front of the sentence or in the middle. The clause with kalau, would be the condition, and the other clause is the result given that the conditional clause is fulfilled. Adding -lah in this case would be used in a rather hypothetical scenario in which the speaker does not believe will happen, at least not soon.


1. Kalau hujan, kita tak jadi keluar.

 If it rains, we're not gonna go out as planned.

2. Saya tak nak pergi kalau dia ikut.

 I'm not going if he's following.

3. Kalaulah ada musim sejuk di Malaysia, bolehlah kita rasa salji.

 If only there were snow in Malaysia, we could then experience snow.

4. Kalaulah dia ulang kaji dari awal, tak adalah gagal sekarang.

If only he had revised since the beginning, he wouldn't have fialed now.


Kalau tak...

Conjunction: Otherwise, Or

This pattern is used to introduce the negative consequence of not doing something. Nanti is often added to express the imminent future. Another function of this pattern is to provide an alternative choice given the previous choices are not satisfying.


1. Jom kita makan di kedai itu. Kalau tak, beli pandu lalu pun boleh.

 Let's eat at that restaurant or we could also just get drive-through!

2. Jangan bising sangat. Kalau tak kena marah nanti.

 Don't be too noisy! Otherwise, we'll get scolded.

3. Baik awak keluar mengundi sekarang. Kalau tak ramai nanti.

 You'd better go cast your vote now. Otherwise, it'll get crowded later.

4. Selalunya ayah kosongkan tong sampah. Kalau tak, mak akan buat.

 Usually, dad empties the bin or mum would do it otherwise.

Kalau begitu...

Sentence Starter: If that's the case..., Then...

This pattern can be used to state the speaker's opinion regarding what action to take in response to a given scenario. Macam itu which is more colloquial can replace begitu.


1. Kalau begitu, berehatlah di rumah dahulu.

 If that's the case, rest at your house first.

2. Kalau begitu, bagi saya dua bungkus nasi lemak.

 Then, give me two packs of nasi lemak.

3. Kalau macam itu, tukarlah kaedah kepada yang lebih berkesan.

 If that's the case, change your methods to something more effective.

4. Kalau macam itu, saya akan merayu awak supaya jangan pergi.

Then, I would beg you not to leave.

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