
Showing posts with the label Causative

Word of the Day: How to use 'Suruh'

Suruh  can be used in the following ways: (Causative) Verb:  to order, to command, to ask Suruh  is used to describe the action of ordering others to perform some actions. As a primary verb,  (meN)suruh --> menyuruh  comes before the indirect object which is the person asked to perform the action. If the indirect object is clear from the context, it can be ommitted and suruh  is then followed directly by the action asked to be done. Examples :  1. Dia suruh saya kemaskan bilik dia.      He ordered me to clean up his room.      2. Mak suruh basuh pinggan (se)lepas makan.     Mother asked (you/me) to wash the plates after eating.  3. Daripada buat sendiri, Alia suka menyuruh orang.   Rather than doing it herself, Ali likes to order people around.  4. Jangan buat sesuatu hanya sebab ada orang suruh.   Don't do something just because others asked you to.  5. Siapa suruh main hujan? Tengok, sekarang sudah selesema.  Who asked you to play in the rain? See! Now you got a cold. (Imperat