Word of the Day: How to use 'Seperti'
Seperti can be used in the following ways:
Conjunction: like, as {resemblance}, such as {examples}
Seperti can be used to liken something (a noun) with something else (another noun). Colloquially, it can most of the time interchanged with macam, though seperti is more suitable to be used with something more abstract while macam something more ocncrete. When giving examples of a group of things, seperti is used.
1. Saya nak kemeja macam kemeja awak.
I want a shirt like your shirt.
2. Dia suka berkeliaran seperti binatang liar.
He likes to roam around like a wild animal.
3. Kalau ingin berjaya, buat seperti orang yang berjaya.
If you want to succeed, act as successful people (do).
4. Kami sedang mencari calon yang memenuhi kriteria seperti yang tersiar di akhbar.
We're looking for a candidate who fulfils the criteria as shown on the newspaper.
5. Malaysia ada menghasilkan buah-buahan tropikal seperti durian, mangga, dan manggis.
Malaysia produces tropical fruits like durians, mangoes, and mangosteens.
Conjunction: as (if)
Seperti and macam can also be used to liken something or behaviour to an imaginary situation.
1. Buatlah seperti di rumah sendiri.
Make yourself (Behave as if) at home!
2. Dia berlari lintang-pukang seperti ternampak hantu.
He's running helter-skelter, as if he's seen a ghost.
3. Calon kahwin dia sangat teruk macam tak ada pilihan lain.
Her marriage candidate was so horrible, as if she didn't have any other choice.
4. Bintang Korea kebanyakannya kekal cantik seperti tidak dimamah usia.
Korean stars mostly remain beautiful, as if untouched (not chewed) by time (age).
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