Word of the Day: How to use 'Sampai'

Sampai can be used in the following ways:

Verb: to arrive

Sampai as a verb is the colloquial counterpart for the word tiba. It is used to express that the subject has arrived at their destination. The preposition ke or di often follows sampai to denote the location/destination.


1. Dia sampai pada pukul 10.   

 He arrived at 10 o'clock.

2. Sudah sampai masa.

 The time has come

3. Saya belum sampai ke pejabat.

 I have not arrived at the office.

4. Bagitahu saya bila awak sudah sampai (di) rumah.

 Let me know when you have arrived home!


Preposition: to, until

Sampai as a preposition is followed by nouns that denote the level, limit or the end of time or location. It is interchangeable with the more formal word hingga


1. Dia belajar sampai peringkat universiti. 

 He studied until university level.

2. Lelaki itu mengejar pencuri itu sampai hujung lorong itu.

 That man chased the thief till the end of the alley.

3. Sampai bila awak nak macam ini?

 Until when are you gonna be like this?

4. Kami lepak di kedai itu sampai lewat malam.

 We hung out in that store till late at night.

Conjunction: to the point of, until

Sampai can also be used as a conjunction to express the degree of an action or adjective. It is interchangeable with the more formal word hingga


1. Sewa bilik itu mahal sangat sampai tiada orang sanggup sewa.  

 The rent (of the room) is so expensive that nobody is willing to rent.

2. Dia marah pekerjanya sampai hilang suara.

 He scoled his employee until he lost his voice.

3. Pelajar itu mengantuk sampai terlena dalam kelas.  

 That student was so sleepy that he slept in class.

4. Belajarlah bersungguh-sungguh sampai berjaya pada masa depan.

 Study hard until you're successful in the future.

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