Word of the Day: How to use 'Cukup'

Cukup can be used in the following ways:

Adjective: enough, sufficient

Cukup is used to express that the subject is sufficient to fulfil certain needs. Untuk would often follow cukup to describe the needs.


1. Gaji saya tak cukup.   

 My salary is not enough.   

2. Duit ini cukup untuk beli hadiah.

 This money is enough to buy a gift.

3. Tempat duduk tak cukup untuk semua pelajar.  

 The seats are not enough for all students.

4. Saya ada cukup masa untuk selesaikan urusan itu.

 I have enough time to settle that matter.


Intensifier: enough, sufficiently, appropriately

Cukup can also be used before adjectives/stative verbs. It is used to express that the intensity of the adjective is just enough thus satisfactory.


1. Rumah ini cukup besar.   

 This house is big enough.   

2. Lukisan itu sudah cukup cantik.

 That painting is already beautiful enough. [You don't need to touch it up anymore.]

3. Budak itu tak cukup tinggi nak naik roller-coaster tu.

 That kid isn't tall enough to ride that roller-coaster.

4. Telefon sekarang cukup canggih untuk buat macam-macam.

 Phones nowadays are sophisticated enough to do various things.

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