Word of the Day: How to use 'Macam'
Macam can be used in the following ways:
Adverb: like
At it's foundation, macam means like, which can be used the same way as seperti. Additionally, macam also implies manner as in the way to do something. In English, most of the time using 'this' or 'that' would suffice to direct someone to do something in a certain way. Bagai which is a more formal version can be used interchangeably.
Macam itu = Begitu
Macam ini = Begini
At it's foundation, macam means like, which can be used the same way as seperti. Additionally, macam also implies manner as in the way to do something. In English, most of the time using 'this' or 'that' would suffice to direct someone to do something in a certain way. Bagai which is a more formal version can be used interchangeably.
Macam itu = Begitu
Macam ini = Begini
1. Buat macam ini.
Do it like this.
2. Jangan cakap macam itu.
Don't say (like) that!
3. Macam mana nak mohon status penduduk tetap?
How to apply for permanent resident?
4. Beginilah caranya kita mengatasi kelemahan diri tanpa mendatangkan keburukan.
This is the way we overcome our weaknesses without causing harm.
1. Buat macam ini.
Adjective/Adverb: weird(ly), suspicious(ly)
Semacam is a rather unique way to express the speaker's suspicion over something often implying that something is wrong or out of the ordinary.
1. Kuah ini sedap semacam.
This soup is weirdly delicious.
2. Muka wanita tua itu muda semacam.
That old lady's face is suspiciously young.
3. Ramai orang tak suka mendekati dia sebab suka buat muka semacam.
A lot of people do not like to approach him because he often pulls strange faces.
4. Saleh berasa gusar apabila isterinya tiba-tiba baik semacam selepas pulang dari suatu program.
Saleh feels anxious when his wife suddenly acts suspiciously kind after coming home from a programme.
Qualifier: various, all sorts of (things)
When reduplicated, macam-macam expresses the many kinds of something. It can be used before nouns it modifies or by itself.
1. Macam-macam ada, makanlah mana-mana.
There are various (food), eat whichever!
2. Dia ada macam-macam koleksi yang dia kumpul.
He collects various collections.
3. Bila ada di rumah orang, jangan buat perangai macam-macam.
When you're at someone else's house, don't act up (all sorts of behaviours).
4. Macam-macam warga netizen ini.
These netizens are something else. (Reacting to netizens behaving in all sorts of ridiculous behaviours.)
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