Word of the Day: How to use 'Agak'

Agak can be used in the following ways:

Verb: to guess, to aproximate, to estimate

Agak expresses the idea of approximation based on certain data or merely from guessing. As the primary verb, (meN)agak --> mengagak can be used.


1. Dia mengagak dia akan berkahwin tak lama lagi.   

 He expects that he will get married soon.   

2. Saya sudah agak.

 I knew it.

3. Mereka tak dapat agak perjalanan akan mengambil masa berapa lama.

 They didn't manage to estimate how long the journey will take.


Intensifier: quite, rather

Agak can also be used before adjectives/stative verbs. It is used to express that the topic in question can be considered or described by using the adjective/stative verbs.


1. Lelaki itu agak pemurah.   

 That man is quite generous.   

2. Baju batik itu sangat cantik tapi agak mahal.

 That batik shirt is very beautiful but quite expensive.

3. Pengalaman saya kena denda agak memalukan.

 My experience of getting disciplined was rather embarrassing.

4. Ramai orang masih tidak dapat vaksin kerana stok agak terhad.

 Many people are yet to receive vaccine because of the stock is quite limited.

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