Word of the Day: How to use 'Sekali'

Sekali can be used in the following ways:

Classifier: one time, once

Sekali is used to count the frequency of events. For this usage, the se- which means 'one' can be replaced with other numbers. 


1. Dia pernah pergi ke Malaysia sekali.

 He's been to Malaysia once.

2. Sila baca sekali lagi.

 Please read it again (one more time).

3. Saya minum kopi sekali sehari.

 I drink coffeee once a day.

4. Mereka berjaya lulus ujian lesen dengan sekali percubaan.

They successfully passed the licence test in one try.

Adverb: along, together

Sekali can also be used as an adverb to express that something takes place along with the main event. 


1. Boleh saya ikut sekali?

 Can I go along (with you)? {Original plan does not include the speaker.}

2. Tolong belikan sabun sekali.

 Please buy (me) soap as well. [While shopping for your things.]

3. Saya ada bawa baju salinan sekali.

 I brought clothes to change as well. [Among other things.]

4. Mereka bukan sahaja datang ziarah, tapi ada bawa buah tangan sekali.

Not only did they come to visit, but they also brought some gifts along.

(Superlative) Intensifier: really, very

Sekali carries a light superlative tone when used after adjectives or stative verbs. It is often used in cases where the speaker is rather surprised as the situation isn't something usual or different than the norm. In some cases, it is simply used for emphasis.


1. Pelajar itu pandai sekali.

 That student is very smart. (compared to what I've seen before.)

2. Negara Malaysia kaya sekali dengan budaya.

 Malaysia is very rich with cultures.

3. Sayang sekali, saya tak dapat pergi.

 It's very unfortunate that I codun't go.

4. Mahal sekali beg tangan dari Perancis ini.

This handbag from France is very expensive!

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