Word of the Day: How to use 'Terlalu'
Terlalu can be used in the following ways:
Intensifier: too, overly
Terlalu can be used before adjectives/stative verbs. It is used to express that the intensity of the adjective is too much thus not satisfactory. In colloquial conversation, sangat can follow the adjective to further express disatisfaction.
1. Sewa rumah ini terlalu tinggi.
The rent for this house is too high.
2. Baju ini terlalu besar sangat.
This shirt (any clothing apparel) is too big. [There's nothing can be done.]
3. Jangan balik terlalu lewat sangat.
Don't come back too late. [A little late is fine.]
4. Bilik ini terlalu besar untuk saya seorang.
This room is too big for me alone.
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