Word of the Day: How to use 'Sangat'

Sangat can be used in the following ways:

Intensifier: very, really

Sangat can be used before or after adjectives/stative verbs. There is not much difference between placing it before or after though in more cases, placing it after can be more emphatic with certain nuances such as surprised, amazed, sarcastic.


1. Tempat itu sangat jauh.   

 That place is very far.   

2. Dia sangat suka makan ikan.

 He likes to eat fish very much.

3. Kuih ini sedap sangat.  

 This kuih is very delicious. [amazed]

4. Pandailah sangat awak buat macam (i)ni.

 You're so smart for doing this. [sarcastic]


tak __ sangat

Intensifier: not very, not really

In a negative statement, sangat is always placed after. This way, it is used to degrade the intensity of the adjectives/stative verbs. In simple words, not as what was previously known.


1. Jam tangan ini tak mahal sangat.   

This watch is not really expensive.

2. Jangan takut! Tak dalam sangat.

Don't be afraid! It's [pool] not that deep.

3. Semalam saya tak buat apa-apa sangat.

I didn't do much yesterday.

4. Muatkah? Kereta saya tak besar sangat.

Will it fit? My car is not that big.


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