Word of the Day: How to use 'Begitu'

Begitu can be used in the following ways:

Demonstrative: (like) that

Begitu is made up of bagai itu. Compared to itu, begitu is used to refer to certain ways of doing something while itu focuses more on the object mentioned. In English, more often using 'that' would suffice for both situation. When used after a noun, begitu refers to the kind or manner of the noun. A more colloquial version is (ma)cam itu.


1. Jangan cakap begitu.   

 Don't say that!

2. Begitulah cara melakukan senaman ini.

 That is how you do this exercise.

3. Orang begitu tak patut dikasihani.

 Those kind of people should not be sympathised.

4. Dia menangis macam itu sebab tak mahu orang tahu.

He cried like that because he doesn't want others to know.


Intensifier: so, not that, not so

Begitu can also be used before adjectives/stative verbs. It is used to express that the adjective/stative verbs reached a certain level most of the time higher than expected. Sekali can be paired together and palced after the adjectives/stative verbs. In it's negative form, tidak begitu, expresses that the adjectives/stative verbs did not reach the level that is expected. It is interchangeable with tidak berapa.


1. Sambutan itu begitu meriah sekali.

 The celebration was so lively.

2. Makanan di restoran mahal ini tidaklah begitu sedap.

 The food in this expensive restaurant isn't that delicious.

3. Masa untuk menjawab peperiksaan ini tidak berapa lama.

 The time to answer this exam isn't so long.

4. Begitu penting sekali bagi kita untuk mendapatkan pertolongan apabila perlu.

 It's so important for us to get help when in need.

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