Word of the Day: How to use 'Lebih'

Lebih can be used in the following ways:

(Comparative) Intensifier: more (than)

Lebih can come before an adjective to express that the subject is superior with respect to a certain quality. Be cautious as lebih cannot be used by itself. Daripada is used to denote the object of comparison. Lagi can also be used to replace lebih. Lagi can come before or after the adjective. Using lagi asserts a strongger affirmation towards the differences.


1. Saya lebih tua lima tahun.

 I'm 5 years older.

2. Harga tiket kereta api lebih mahal RM10 daripada harga tiket bas.

 The train ticket costs RM10 more than the bus ticket.

3. Belilah beg ini, lagi cantik.

 Buy this bag! It's definitely more beautiful.

4. Dalam kehidupan, ada banyak benda yang lebih bernilai daripada duit.

In life, there are a lot of things that are more valuable than money.

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