Word of the Day: How to use 'Selepas'

Selepas can be used in the following ways:

Conjunction: after

Selepas is used to describe an event that takes place after an event. If the subject of the clause with selepas and the clause without selepas is the same, then the subject on the clause with selepas can be dropped. Setelah which is more formal can be used interchangeably. (Se)lepas (i)tu is also commonly used in conversation to connect events while narrating a story or to encourage the speaker to continue his narration.


1. Selepas itu, semuanya sudah tidak seperti dulu.

 After that, everything wasn't the same as before.

2. Mereka selalu berkumpul selepas waktu kerja.

 They always gather after working hours.

3. Saya hanya boleh keluar bermain selepas menyiapkan kerja rumah.

 I can only go out to play after finishing my homework.

4. Selepas menamatkan pelajaran, dia terus mendapat tawaran bekerja.

He got a work offer immideately after ending his studies.

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