Word of the Day: How to use 'Demi'

Demi can be used in the following ways:

Conjunction: for (the sake of)

Demi can precede nouns to indicate the purpose of an action. In most cases untuk can be used inerchangeably though demi reflects a deeper resolution especially when used before person or God.


1. Saya buat semua ini demi awak.   

 I've done all of these for you (for your sake).

2. Fikirlah masak-masak demi masa depan.

 Think hard for your future.

3. Demi Tuhan, aku bersumpah hanya akan berkata yang benar.

 In God's name, I swear to speak only of the truth.

4. Rakyat Malaysia bersatu padu membangunkan negara demi kemakmuran negara.

 The people of Malaysia are united to develop the country for the country's prosperity.

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