Word of the Day: How to use 'Yang'

Yang can be used in the following ways:

Conjunction: which, who, where, what, that

Yang can followed nouns to further elaborate and distinguish the said noun from other similar things. Thus, whenever the speaker is attempting to specify a noun, or in any structures involving comparison, yang would be used. Adjectives or a clause could come after yang. As for the generic noun 'thing', apa or benda can be used.


1. Orang tua yang tinggi itu ayah saya.

 The tall old man is my father.

2. Beg yang mana awak punya?

 Which bag is yours?

3. Saya beritahu dia tempat menarik yang saya pergi.

 I told him the intereststing places that I've been.

4. Kami tak faham apa yang dia cakap.

 I don't know what (the thing) he said.

Pronoun: the ... one

When there is no noun before yang, then yang here acts as the generic pronoun, one


1. Yang hijau itu saya punya.

 The green one is mine.

2. Awak nak yang besar atau yang kecil?

 Do you want the big one or the small one?

3. Dialah yang beritahu saya tentang berita itu.

 He's the one who told me about that news.

4. Yang ada corak bunga itu sangat sesuai dengan awak.

 The one with floral patterns really suits you.

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