Word of the Day: How to use 'Sebelum'
Sebelum can be used in the following ways:
Conjunction: before
Sebelum is used to describe an event that takes place before an event. If the subject of the clause with sebelum and the clause without sebelum is the same, then the subject on the clause with sebelum can be dropped.
1. Basuh tangan sebelum makan.
Wash your hands before eating!
2. Saya selalu pergi ke tandas sebelum tidur.
I always go to the toilet before sleeping.
3. Berfikir dahulu sebelum bercakap.
Think first before you speak!
4. Sebelum mengenali awak, saya tidak mengenali erti kehidupan.
Before knowing you, I didn't understand the meaning of life.
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