Word of the Day: How to use 'Kurang'
Kurang can be used in the following ways: Adjective/Adverb: less, lack, in shortage of Kurang expresses the idea of less than normal. As an adverb, kurang is used to describe the lack or shortage of something. Examples : 1. Dia tak terbayar kerana duitnya kurang. He wasn't able to pay because he has not enough money (his money is in shortage). 2. Tahun ini gejala sosial semakin kurang. This year, sosial problems become lesser. 3. Dia asyik kena denda sebab kurang ajar dengan cikgu. He always got punished because of being rude (lack education) to the teachers. 4. Kebanyakan negara menghadapi masalah kurang tenaga buruh akibat kadar kelahiran yang menurun. A big number of countries are facing shortage of labour force problem due to the decreasing of birth rate. Intensifier: less, lack, not so Kurang can also be used before adjectives/stative verbs. It is used to express that the topic in question does not adhere to an expe...