Word of the Day: How to use 'Pada'
Pada can be used in the following ways:
Preposition: at, on, in {time}
Pada is used to denote the exact time something takes place. It precedes any time phrase such as days, months, year and so on. It is optional when the time phrase is relative to the speaker's current time such as 'yesterday', 'next week', and 'last month'.
1. Saya tidur pada pukul 11 malam.
I sleep at 11 p.m..
2. Majlis itu akan berlangsung (pada) malam ini.
The event will take place tonight.
3. Pada zaman dahulu, orang suka tinggal di pinggiran sungai.
In the olden days, people like to stay in the river banks.
4. Pada waktu itu, keadaan sangat huru-hara sehinggakan ramai orang tercedera.
At that time, the situation was so chaotic that a lot got injured.
Preposition: at, with {location}
When used with ada, pada implies the current (tentative/temporary) location of the object that has been transferred.
1. Duit itu ada pada dia.
The money is with him.
2. Ada nyamuk pada kakinya.
The mosquito is on his leg.
3. Ada berapa biji pada awak?
How many are with you?
Preposition: at, to {target location of action}
Certain actions require a medium for it to act upon, pada is then used to refer to that medium.
1. Tulis nama pada kertas ini.
Write (your) name on this paper.
2. Apa yang jadi pada dia?
What happened to him?
3. Bajunya tersangkut pada kipas siling.
His clothes were stuck on the ceiling fan.
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