Word of the Day: How to use 'Pula'
Cuma can be used in the following ways: Pula might be the most or among the most difficult word to master in Malay. For some usages, it has a corresponding phrase in English, but for most other usages, they would get lost in translation. Even in Malay, pula is mostly optional but knowning when to use it precisely is what will distinguish between a beginner and an intermediate learner. Since pula is used for emphasis, in many sistuations a glottal stop, pula(k) --> pulak, may be added to further stresses it. Conjunction: as for, what about The first usage is rather simple. When talking about a topic, it is used to introduce or bring the conversation to another aspect/thing relating to the topic. When talking about more than one thing about a topic, anything after the first will also be followed by pula . It can also be used to return the same question or inciting a response from the person you're talking to relating to a topic. For...