Word of the Day: How to use 'Kot'
Kot can be used in the following ways:
(Conjecture) Particle: maybe, probably
Kot or the correct spelling kut is usually placed at the end of a sentence or clause to express uncertainty of one's claim. The longer the vowel is lengthened, the more uncertain the speaker sounds.
1. Dia ada di situ kot.
He might be there.
2. Entahlah, kad saya dah hilang kot.
I don't know, my card might have already disappeared.
3. Aku syak (yang) dia inilah yang bersalah kot.
I suspect that he probably was the guilty one.
4. Agaknya dia saja nak buat cerita kot.
I guess he's only probably making stories.
(Asserting) Particle: you know...,
When pronounced fast and precisely, kot has an effect to assert one's claim. It is usually used to rebut or pursuade a previous opposing voice.
1. Cantik kot, baju ini!
These clothes are beautiful. (Contrary to what I've been told)
2. Jomlah ikut aku. Aku belanja kot.
Come with me! I'll treat you. (There's no reason to refuse)
3. Saya memang nak beli telefon canggih ni, cuma harga (sebanyak) gaji tiga bulan kot.
I really want to buy this sophisticated phone, it's just that the price is as much as my three months salary. (You can't persuade me to buy)
4. Kau nak (ber)jalan jauh kot, takkan kau nak sedekah duit kat dia?
You're travelling far you know? Surely you don't want to just give your money away to him. {Jusifying the reason not to give money to beggar}
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