
Word of the Day: How to use 'Kepada'

Kepada  can be used in the following ways: Preposition:  to {target, result} Kepada is used to indicate the target of actions or the result after an action is done. Examples : 1. Saya memberikan buah tangan ini kepada dia.  I gave this gift (for visiting someone) to him. 2. Ibu membahagikan kek kepada empat bahagian.   Mom divided the cake into four parts. 3. Gaji minimum meningkat kepada RM1500 mulai tahun depan.    The minimum salary will increase to RM1500 starting next year. 4. Dia melaporkan apa yang berlaku kepadanya kepada polis    He reported what had happened to him to the police.   Try writing your own sentences in the comment below...

Word of the Day: How to use 'Paling'

Paling   can be used in the following ways: (Superlative) Intensifier:  most Paling  can come before an adjective or stative verb to create a superlative structure. There are more than one ways to create superlative in Malay but using paling  is the most basic. Do note that yang  often would come in between the noun and paling  as the structure involves comparison. However, it may be dropped in conversation. Examples : 1. Dia pelajar yang paling pandai di dalam kelas.  He's the smartest student in class. 2. Negara Malaysialah negara yang paling sesuai untuk ekspat.   Malaysia is the most suitable country for expats. 3. Bagi ibu bapa, anak-anaklah yang paling bernilai.  Children are the most valuable (thing) for parents. 4. Saya paling tak suka orang yang suka datang lambat. I don't like people who keep coming late the most. Try writing your own sentences in the comment below...

Word of the day: How to use 'Mula'

Mula  can be used in the following ways: (Transitive) Verb:  to start, to begin Mula  is used to describe the action of starting something. As a primary verb,  (meN)mulakan--> memulakan is followed by a direct object which is something the subject intends to start. Examples :  1. Cikgu (meN)mulakan pelajaran dengan kuiz.     The teacher started the lesson with a quiz.  2. Mulakan hari ini dengan semangat yang baru.   Start the day with a new spirit!  3. Jangan mulakan sesuatu tanpa berfikir dengan masak.   Don't start something without thinking carefully!  4. Sila periksa kenderaan sebelum memulakan perjalanan yang jauh.   Please examine your transportation before starting a long journey! (Aspect Auxiliary) Verb:  to start to Mula  can precede the primary verb to express that the verb has been started.  Examples : 1. Ke hadapan barisan, sedia, mula (berlari). On your mark, get set, start! 2. Saya mula belajar bahasa Jepun 3 tahun yang lalu. I started learning Japanese 3 years ag

Word of the Day: How to use 'Mungkin'

Mungkin  can be used in the following ways: (Conjecture Modal Auxiliary) Verb:  may be, might be Mungkin  can be used to express the speaker's supposition that something has taken place or will take place. This supposition is based on guesses or uncertainty of the future. Examples : 1. Saya mungkin akan tinggal terus di Malaysia. I may continue living in Malaysia. 2. Dia mungkin terlupa ada mesyuarat hari ini. He might have forgotten that there's a meeting today. 3. Esok mungkin hujan, jadi kita kena tukar rancangan. It may rain tomorrow, so we have to change plans. 4. Mungkin dia berasa kesal sebab buat macam tu pada awak. Maybe he felt regret for doing that to you. Try writing your own sentences in the comment below...

Word of the Day: How to use '-lah'

-lah  can be used in the following ways: (Imperative Softener) Particle:  (can you) please..., I beg you... -lah  is a very flexible particle that can be attached to any clause of the sentence. In formal writing, it is always attached directly after a word, but in casual writing, it may be separated. -lah  has many functions. In this post, it might not cover all the uses but the main ones. The most basic function of -lah  is to soften an order or a request by attaching it to the imperative verb. With -lah , there is a nuance of inviting, pursuading even so far as begging/urging when the syllable is lengthened. Examples : 1. Jomlah keluar. Bosan di rumah.   Let's go out! {begging} It's boring at home.  2. Makanlah sikit, nanti lapar.  Eat a little bit or you might get hungry later! {pursuading}  3. Masuklah ke rumah dan buatlah macam rumah sendiri.   Please come in and make yourself like home. {inviting}  4. Tolonglah, saya dah penat ni. Ceraikanlah sa(ha)ja saya.   I beg you, I

Word of the Day: How to use 'Kerana'

Kerana  can be used in the following ways: Conjunction:  because, for Kerana can be used to state the reason of something including expressions of feelings. Kerana is only used in the middle of the sentence. Sebab is more colloquial and can be interchangeable with kerana . Examples : 1. Dia sedih sebab gagal mendapatkan lesen.  He's sad because he had failed to get the license.  2. Malaysia terkenal kerana terdapat bangunan yang tinggi-tinggi.  Malaysia is famouse because it has tall buildings. 3. Terima kasih sebab menemani saya.  Thanks for accompanying me. 4. Maaf kerana tidak dapat hadir ke majlis awak.   I'm sorry for not being able to attend your ceremony. Try writing your own sentences in the comment below...

Word of the Day: How to use 'Dari'

Dari  can be used in the following ways: Preposition:  from {destination, location} Dari  is used to denote the location the subject is coming from. It is mostly used with motion verbs. Examples : 1. Dia berasal dari Sarawak.  He is (originates) from Sarawak. 2. Saya akan pergi ke tempat yang jauh dari sini.   I'm going to a place away from here.  3. Dari mana dia datang berbasikal begini?     Where did he come from cycling like this? 4. Buah-buahan ini diimport dari Thailand.   These fruits were imported from Thailand.   dari + __ (dalam / luar / atas / bawah / depan / belakang / tepi / kiri / kanan) Preposition:  from + inside / outside / above / below / in front / behind / side / left / right Dari  can be followed by other prepositions to further specify the exact location the subject is coming from. When used with certain verbs, it describes the directions the verb is moving from. Examples : 1.  Kedai itu tak jauh dari tepi jalan.   That store isn't far from the roadside. 2