Word of the Day: How to use 'Dari'

Dari can be used in the following ways:

Preposition: from {destination, location}

Dari is used to denote the location the subject is coming from. It is mostly used with motion verbs.


1. Dia berasal dari Sarawak.

 He is (originates) from Sarawak.

2. Saya akan pergi ke tempat yang jauh dari sini.

 I'm going to a place away from here. 

3. Dari mana dia datang berbasikal begini?  

 Where did he come from cycling like this?

4. Buah-buahan ini diimport dari Thailand.

 These fruits were imported from Thailand.


dari + __ (dalam / luar / atas / bawah / depan / belakang / tepi / kiri / kanan)

Preposition: from + inside / outside / above / below / in front / behind / side / left / right

Dari can be followed by other prepositions to further specify the exact location the subject is coming from. When used with certain verbs, it describes the directions the verb is moving from.


1. Kedai itu tak jauh dari tepi jalan.

 That store isn't far from the roadside.

2. Saya naik tangga dari bawah.

 I climbed the stairs from below.

3. Dia tiba-tiba muncul dari belakang.

 He suddenly appeared from behind.

4. Ini adalah tempat menunggu penumpang dari luar negara.

 This is the place to wait for passengers from outside the country.

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