Word of the Day: How to use 'Mungkin'

Mungkin can be used in the following ways:

(Conjecture Modal Auxiliary) Verb: may be, might be

Mungkin can be used to express the speaker's supposition that something has taken place or will take place. This supposition is based on guesses or uncertainty of the future.


1. Saya mungkin akan tinggal terus di Malaysia.

I may continue living in Malaysia.

2. Dia mungkin terlupa ada mesyuarat hari ini.

He might have forgotten that there's a meeting today.

3. Esok mungkin hujan, jadi kita kena tukar rancangan.

It may rain tomorrow, so we have to change plans.

4. Mungkin dia berasa kesal sebab buat macam tu pada awak.

Maybe he felt regret for doing that to you.

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