Word of the Day: How to use '-lah'

-lah can be used in the following ways:

(Imperative Softener) Particle: (can you) please..., I beg you...

-lah is a very flexible particle that can be attached to any clause of the sentence. In formal writing, it is always attached directly after a word, but in casual writing, it may be separated. -lah has many functions. In this post, it might not cover all the uses but the main ones. The most basic function of -lah is to soften an order or a request by attaching it to the imperative verb. With -lah, there is a nuance of inviting, pursuading even so far as begging/urging when the syllable is lengthened.


1. Jomlah keluar. Bosan di rumah.

 Let's go out! {begging} It's boring at home.

 2. Makanlah sikit, nanti lapar. 

Eat a little bit or you might get hungry later! {pursuading}

 3. Masuklah ke rumah dan buatlah macam rumah sendiri.

 Please come in and make yourself like home. {inviting}

 4. Tolonglah, saya dah penat ni. Ceraikanlah sa(ha)ja saya.

 I beg you, I'm already tired. {begging} Just divorce me.

5. Cepatlah, tak sempat nanti.

Hurry up! {Urging} We might not get in time.


(Emphasising) Particle: (this is) it

-lah can come after subject to emphasise that it is the subject and not others. This is usually used when the speaker is identifying something that has been mentioned before.


1. Dialah ayah saya.

 He's (the one) my dad.

 2. Bahasa Jepunlah bahasa paling susah. 

 Japanese is (the one) the most difficult language.

 3. Ilmulah perkara yang paling bernilai dalam hidup.

 It is knowledge that is the most valuable thing in life.

 4. Lelaki itulah yang mencuri beg duit saya.

 It was that guy who stoled my purse.

(Emotion Expressing) Particle

-lah placed after adjectives usually is used to express certain emotions. The most common one is to express frustration. 


1. Penatlah angkat barang.

 Carrying stuffs is very tiring.

 2. Peliklah perangai dia tu.

His behaviours are really weird.

 3. Tinggilah bangunan itu. Saya tak berani naik.

 That building is so tall. I don't dare to go up.

 4. Malaslah nak buat kerja.

 I'm so lazy to do work.

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