Word of the Day: How to use 'Tetap'

Tetap can be used in the following ways:

(Aspect Auxiliary) Verb: still 

Tetap can precede the primary verb or stative verb to emphasise that the subject resists changes even though it is expected for changes to occur. 


 1. Dia tetap bersama saya.

 He still remains (stay together) with me.

 2. Saya tetap teguh dengan pendirian saya.

 I stand firm on my ground. {even after being dissuaded)

 3. Hujan sudah mula turun tapi mereka tetap bermain di luar.

 It's already started raining but they're still playing outside.

 4. Walaupun sudah berusia, Tok tetap rajin menuntut ilmu.

 Although grandpa has aged, he still diligently seeks knowledge.


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