Word of the Day: How to use 'Tiba-tiba'

Tiba can be used in the following ways:

Verb: to arrive

Tiba as a verb is the formal counterpart for the word sampai. It is used to express that the subject has arrived at their destination. The preposition ke or di often follows tiba to denote the location/destination.


1. Dia tiba pada pukul 10.   

 He arrived at 10 o'clock.

2. Sudah tiba pada masanya.

 The time has come

3. Saya belum tiba ke pejabat.

 I have not arrived at the office.

4. Bagitahu saya bila awak sudah tiba di rumah.

 Let me know when you have arrived home!



Adverb: suddenly, all of a sudden, out of nowhere

When duplicated, tiba-tiba is used as an adverb to express that something happened suddenly. It can be placed before or after the subject. It can also be placed at the end of the sentence. When it's placed at the end of the sentence, the adverb of manner prepositions dengan or secara, will come before tiba-tiba.


1. Dia tiba-tiba berlari dengan laju.

 He suddenly ran swiftly.

2. Tiba-tiba, ada orang datang semasa kami sedang bercakap.

 Suddenly, someone came when we were talking.

3. Jangan jerit dengan tiba-tiba.

 Don't shout out of nowhere!

4. Covid datang menyerang secara tiba-tiba.

 Covid came attacking all of a sudden.

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