Word of the Day: How to use 'Daripada'

Daripada can be used in the following ways:

Preposition: from {source}

Daripada is used to denote the source of something.


1. Surat itu datang daripada abang saya.

 The letter came from my brother.

2. Dia menerima bungkusan daripada keluarganya.

 He received a package from his family.

3. Kerusi itu diperbuat daripada kayu tempatan.  

 The chair is made from local wood.

4. Mereka mendapat banyak pengajaran daripada program itu.

 They learnt a lot from that programme.


Preposition: than, instead of, rather than {source of comparison}

In a comparison sentence, daripada is used to denote the source of comparison.


1. Laptop lebih besar daripada tablet.

 Laptops are bigger than tablets.

2. Saya lebih suka kopi daripada teh.

 I prefer coffee over tea.

3. Daripada berjalan lebih baik naik teksi.

 Instead of walking, it's better if we grab a taxi.

4. Daripada tak buat apa-apa lebih baik tidur.

 Rather than not doing anything, it's better to sleep.

Preposition: (out) of 

When something is a subset of a larget set, daripada is used to refer to the original set.


1. Dua daripada lima buah epal itu sudah rosak.

 Two out of the five apples have spoiled.

2. Tiga daripada pelajar sekolah itu terpilih masuk ke pusingan terakhir.

 Three of the students from that school were chosen to enter the final round.

3. Saya sudah membeli sebahagian barang daripada senarai itu.

 I have bought a part of things from that list.

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