Word of the Day: How to use 'Antara'

Antara can be used in the following ways:

Preposition: among, between {range, scope}

Antara is used to introduce the range of subject, object or group of comparison.


1. Dia antara orang yang hadir.

 He's among those who attended.

2. Ini rahsia antara kita berdua.

 This is a secret between both of us.

3. Antara masalah yang kami hadapi ialah keselamatan dan pembiakan nyamuk.

 Among the problems that we face are safety and mosquito breeding.

4. Antara sekolah awam dan sekolah swasta, yang mana lebih sesuai?

 Between public and private school, which is more suitable?


di antara

Preposition: (in) between {location}

When di comes before antara, it refers to the location in the middle between two ends.


1. Dia duduk di antara orang Cina dan orang India di kelas.

 He sits in between a Chinese and an Indian in class.

2. Rumahnya terletak di antara sekolah dan pejabat pos.

 His house is located between the school and the post office.

3. Di antara dua kampung itu ada sungai yang panjang.

 There is a long river between the two villages.

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