Word of the Day: How to use 'Kena'

Kena can be used in the following ways:

(transitive) Verb: to hit, to get {diesease}

Kena as a primary verb expresses that something has come into contact with the subject physically including diseases.


1. Bola itu terkena kepala dia

 The ball hit his head.

 2. Dia basah kuyup sebab kena hujan.

 He's soaking wet because he got rained upon.

 3. Saya pernah kena Covid dua kali.

 I've gotten Covid two times.

 4. Kuah tumpah dari pinggan dan kena kaki dia.

 The gravy spilled from the plate and hit his foot.


(Stative) Verb: to be apropriate, to be right

Often used in a negative state, tak kena describes that a certain action is not appropriate due to a certain feeling felt by the speaker. It is kind of a gut feeling due to some external circumstances.


1. Ada sesuatu tak kena.

 There's something not right.

 2. Pakai baju macam itu tak kena dengan majlis.

 Wearing that kind of clothing is not appropriate with the event.

 3. Tak kena kalau tak pergi selepas dijemput.

 It's not right if ne don't go after being invited.

 4. Dia suka beli baju yang saiznya tak kena dengan badan.

 He likes to buy clothes which their size are not suitable with his body.

(Aversive Passive) Verb: to get

Kena can be followed with some verbs (mostly unpleasant actions) to express that the subject is a receiver of an unpleasant action. When used this way, it has the nuance that the subject or the speaker sees it as unplesant. Dengan is used to denote the doer of the action.


1. Dia kena marah.

 He got scolded.

 2. Dia selalu kena puji dengan cikgu.

 He is always praised by the teacher. (speaker slightly annoyed)

 3. Datanglah awal kalau tak nak kena denda.

 Come early if you don't want to be punished!

 4. Lelaki yang pandu dengan laju itu kena saman dengan polis.

 That man who drived fast was fined by the police.

(Obligation Modal Auxiliary) Verb: have to

Kena can also be used before verbs to express an obligation to do something. This sense of obligation usually comes externally in which the subject may feel forced to do.


1. Dia kena kerja pada hari Sabtu.

He has to work on Saturday.

2. Adik kena pakai cermin mata sebab sudah rabun.

My sister (younger sibling) has to wear glasses because she's already short-sighted. 

3. Saya kena buang sampah sebelum tidur.

I have to take out the trash before sleeping.

4. Kalau nak berjaya, kena berusaha dengan keras.

If you want to be successful, you have to work hard!

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