Word of the Day: How to use 'Ke'

Ke can be used in the following ways:

Preposition: to {destination, location}

Ke is used to denote the location the subject is moving towards. It is mostly used with motion verbs.


1. Dia berjalan ke sekolah.

 He walks to school.

2. Saya nak pindah ke luar negara.

 I'm moving (to) overseas. 

3. Mereka tak tahu dia lari ke mana.  

 They don't know where he ran to. 

4. Saya harus pergi ke mana untuk mendapatkan tiket?

 Where do I have to go to get a ticket?


ke + __ (dalam / luar / atas / bawah / depan / belakang / tepi / kiri / kanan)

Preposition: into / out / above / below / in front / behind / side / left / right

Ke can be followed by other prepositions to further specify the exact location the subject is moving towards. When used with certain verbs, it describes the directions the verb is moving to.


1. Dia berlari ke luar (dari) kelas

 He ran out of the class.

2. Jangan pandang ke atas.

 Don't look above! 

3. Gerak ke tepi, saya nak duduk.

 Move to the side, I want to sit down.

4. Sila pusing ke kiri di simpang tiga itu.

 Please turn right at that three way junction.

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