Word of the Day: How to use 'Jemput'

Jemput can be used in the following ways:

(Transitive) Verb: to invite, to pick (somebody) up, to welcome

Jemput is used to describe the action of inviting somebody to a certain programme or event. As a primary verb, (meN)jemput --> menjemput receives the invited person as a direct object. In some cases, jemput can also mean to pick somebody up though this is only used in special occasions like picking somebody up from the airport as if inviting them into the country.


 1. Saya menjemput rakan sekerja ke rumah.

 I invited my coworker to my house.

 2. Dia menjemput ramai orang ke kenduri perkahwinannya.

 He invited a lot of people to his wedding reception.

 3. Sila jemput tetamu bila sampai rumah.

 Please welcome the guests when they arrive at home.

 4. Bos menyuruh mereka menjemput pelabur yang datang dari luar negara di lapangan terbang.

Boss ordered them to pick up the investor who's coming from overseas at the airport.

(Imperative) Verb: please {inviting, welcoming}

In an imperative sentence, jemput is used to invite the listener to do something. It is used to politely welcome guests in formal settings to do something which mostly related to the agenda or fulfilling needs.


1. Jemput minum teh.

Please have some tea!

2. Jemput masuk ke bilik mesyuarat.

Please come in the meeting room!

3. Jemput ceritakan pengalaman anda.

Please tell us your experience!

4. Jemput datang dengan keluarga.

Your are welcomed to come with family.


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