Word of the Day: How to use 'Harus'

Harus can be used in the following ways:

(Obligation Modal Auxiliary) Verb: should {advisably}

Harus can be used before the primary verb to express that the action is advisable to be done. Compared to the previous obligation modal auxiliary verbs, harus carries the softest tone and thus, is usually used in formal situations. This sense of obligation stems from Islamic regulations where things that are harus are optional for followers to do or not to do. 


1. Dia harus bertanggungjawab atas kesalahannya.  

 He should be responsible for his mistakes.

 2. Kita harus menghormati orang di sekeliling.

 We should respect people around us.

 3. Encik harus mengamalkan pemakanan yang seimbang.

 You should practice a balanced diet.

 4. Mereka harus bekerjasama untuk menyiapkan tugas itu.

 They should work together to settle that task.


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