Word of the Day: How to use 'bukan'

(bu)kan can be used in the following ways:

(Confirming) Particle: right?

(bu)kan is a very flexible particle that can be attached to any clause of the sentence similar to -kah. The function of kan is to get confirmation from the listener. It is used when the speaker believes, according to his knowledge, in something and hoping for the listener to agree. If the speaker is rather unsure about something, then kan is used to seek confirmation of truth. 


1. Ini kan kereta awak?

 This is your car, right?

 2. Sedap kan kek ini?

This cake is delicious, no?

 3. Hari (i)tu kan, saya nampak ada orang pelik datang.

 It was that day, right, I saw someone weird coming.

 4. Kalau dapat kerja (i)tu, maksudnya saya kena pindah kan?

 If I get that job, it means I have to move, right?


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