Word of the Day: How to use 'Mesti'

Mesti can be used in the following ways:

(Obligation Modal Auxiliary) Verb: must, have to

Mesti can be used before the primary verb to express the obligation to do something. This sense of obligation stems internally from the speaker's belief.


1. Saya mesti lulus dalam peperiksaan.

 I have to pass my exams.

 2. Dia mesti pulangkan duit saya secepat mungkin.

 He has to return my money as soon as possible.

 3. Kita mesti menunjukkan pasport untuk menaiki kapal terbang.

 We must show our passport to ride the plane. 

 4. Mestikah saya melaporkan kejadian itu?

 Do I have to report that incident?


(Evidential Modal Auxiliary) Verb: must be, would be, definitely will, certaily will, for sure

Mesti can also be used to express the speaker's certainty that something has taken place or will take place. This certainty is based on the speaker's belief. Mestilah can be used to agree with the person the speaker is talking to.


1. Esok saya mesti akan lupa. 

I'll definitely forget about it tomorrow.  

2. Susahnya! Mesti saya akan gagal. 

It's so hard. I'll certainly fail for sure.

3. Mak mesti marah kalau kita tak balik sekarang.

Mother will definitely get angry if we don't get home now.

4. Dia mesti lupa tentang perjumpaan kita.

He must have forgotten about our meeting.

5. A: Awak ingat tak hari ini hari apa?

    A: Do you remember what day is today? 

    B: Mestilah, takkan lupa punya.

    B: Definitely, I would never forget it.

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