Word of the Day: How to say 'Perlu'

Perlu can be used in the following ways:

Verb: to need 

Perlu is used to express necessity. As a primary verb, (meN)perlu(kan) --> memerlukan comes before the direct object which is what the speaker needs.


1. Dia (meN)perlukan pen.   

 He needs a pen.   

 2. Tidak mengapa, saya tidak perlukan pertolongan anda. 

 It's okay, I don't need your help.

 3. Kami memerlukan dana ini untuk menjayakan projek ini.

 We need this fund to make this project a succcess. 

 4. Adakah anda perlukan apa-apa lagi?

 Do you need anything else?


(Obligation Modal Auxiliary) Verb: need to, required to, necessary

Perlu can also comes before a primary verb to express that the action is necessary for the speaker to perform in order to fulfil certain requirements.


1. Kita perlu makan tiga kali sehari.   

We need to eat three times a day.  

2. Tak perlu jalan jauh-jauh. 

You don't need to travel far.

3. Pelajar perlu mendapatkan kebenaran ibu bapa.

Students need to get their parents' permission.

4. Saya perlu ke rumah dia untuk memulangkan buku ini.

I need to go to his house in order to return this book.


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