Word of the Day: How to use 'Hendak'

Hendak can be used in the following ways:

Verb: to want, would like

Hendak or it's shortened form nak, can be used before a noun to express the desire to obtain the noun. Ma(h)u can also be used here interchangeably.


1. Saya nak baju baru.   

 I want new clothes.

 2. Dia tak mahu rumah yang mahal.  

 He doesn't want an expensive house.

 3. Encik nak teh atau kopi?

 Do you [sir] want tea or coffee?

 4. Nak nasi lemak dengan teh tarik, satu.

 I would like nasi lemak and a glass of teh tarik, please.

(Auxiliary) Verb: want to, be going to

Nak can also be used before the primary verb to express the speaker's desire or intention to carry out an action. Compared to 'akan', using nak asserts volition and the urgency of the action. Thus, nak is often used to express spontaneous plans that are taking place soon if not now. Ma(h)u can also be used here interchangeably. When used in a question, it is to invite the listener to do something.


1. Cepat balik! Hujan nak turun.  

Quickly go home! It's gonna rain.  

2. Saya nak buat kerja sekarang. Nanti, saya (akan) telefon balik.

I'm gonna do my work now. I'll call you again later.

3. Dia nak (ber)kahwin dengan orang asing.

He wants to marry with a foreigner.

4. Nak keluar pergi makan tak?

Do you want to go out to eat?

5. Bila nak balik rumah (i)ni?

When are you coming back home? 

(Auxiliary) Verb: to {infinitive}

Like in English, certain verbs and adjectives are followed with the inifinitive form of the following verbs. Although there are overlaps between the words in English and in Malay, not all words would share this characteristics. Moreover, the English 'to' has a number of functions whereas nak is mainly to convey intentions of doing something. Ma(h)u may be used with some words but generally nak is preferred here.


1. Dia cuba nak (meN)pikat hati Siti.   

He tries/tried to win over [romantically] Siti's heart.  

2. Saya lupa nak tolong dia. 

I forgot to help her.

3. Adik takut nak tidur seorang diri.

My [younger] sister is afraid to sleep by herself.

4. Jangan malu nak tanya soalan.

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