Word of the Day: How to use 'Boleh'

Boleh can be used in the following ways:

(Auxiliary) Verb: can {capability}

Boleh comes before primary verbs to express that you have the skill or capability to perform an action. When used in question, it is to ask about someone's capability.


1. Saya boleh (ber)main piano.   

 I can play the piano.   

 2. Saya tak boleh makan pedas.  

 I cannot take spicy food.

 3. Dia boleh (ber)cakap dalam bahasa Melayu.

 He can speak in Malay.

 4. Encik boleh masak makanan tradisional tak?

 Can you [sir] cook traditional food?


(Auxiliary) Verb: can {possibility}    Adjective: possible

This way, boleh is used to express the possibility that something can occur. When used in question, it i used to make a request. For this usage, boleh is place before the subject if there's any.


1. Saya tak boleh datang esok.   

I can't come tomorrow.   

2. Mungkin boleh. 

It might be possible.

3. Boleh (ber)cakap dengan perlahan?

Can you speak slowly?

4. Boleh Encik tolong saya?

Can you [sir] help me?


(Auxiliary) Verb: may {permission}

Boleh can also be used to express that an action is permissible. When used in question, it is to ask for permission. For this usage, boleh is place before the subject if there's any.


1. Saya tak boleh keluar rumah.   

I can't [not permissible] go out .  

2. Pelajar tidak boleh masuk tanpa guru.  

Students may not enter without a teacher. 

3. Selepas (meN)siap(kan) kerja rumah, adik boleh main. 

After you finish your homework, you [young kid] may play. 

4. Boleh saya tumpang tandas Puan tak? 

May I use your [misses] toilet?

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