
Word of the Day: How to use 'Sementara'

Sementara  can be used in the following ways: Adjective:  temporary Sementara expresses the idea of temporariness implying that things will change eventually. Examples : 1. Dia hanyalah pembantu sementara.  He is only a temporary asistant. 2. Hidup ini hanyalah sementara.  This life is merely temporary. 3. Kita akan (meN)pindahkan operasi ke sini buat sementara waktu.  We will move the operation here for a temporary time. 4. Penutupan sementara jalan itu menyebabkan kesesakan jalan raya. The temporary closure of that road has caused road traffic. Conjunction:  while When used as a conjunction, sementara introduces a temporary time period in which the main action is taken. The clause with sementara can be an action performed by another subject or a temporary state in which the primary subject is experiencing.  Examples : 1. Alia mengemas rumah sementara Hana memasak.  Alia cleans the house while Hana is cooking. 2. Ayah membaca surat khabar sementa...

Word of the Day: How to use 'Demi'

Demi can be used in the following ways: Conjunction:  for (the sake of) Demi  can precede nouns to indicate the purpose of an action.  In most cases  untuk  can be used inerchangeably though demi reflects a deeper resolution especially when used before person or God. Examples : 1. Saya buat semua ini demi awak.     I've done all of these for you (for your sake). 2. Fikirlah masak-masak demi masa depan.  Think hard for your future. 3. Demi Tuhan, aku bersumpah hanya akan berkata yang benar.   In God's name, I swear to speak only of the truth. 4. Rakyat Malaysia bersatu padu membangunkan negara demi kemakmuran negara.   The people of Malaysia are united to develop the country for the country's prosperity. Try writing your own sentences in the comment below...

Word of the Day: How to use 'Kurang'

Kurang  can be used in the following ways: Adjective/Adverb: less, lack, in shortage of Kurang  expresses the idea of less than normal. As an adverb, kurang is used to describe the lack or shortage of something. Examples : 1. Dia tak terbayar kerana duitnya kurang.   He wasn't able to pay because he has not enough money (his money is in shortage). 2. Tahun ini gejala sosial semakin kurang.  This year, sosial problems become lesser. 3. Dia asyik kena denda sebab kurang ajar dengan cikgu.    He always got punished because of being rude (lack education) to the teachers.  4. Kebanyakan negara menghadapi masalah kurang tenaga buruh akibat kadar kelahiran yang menurun.  A big number of countries are facing shortage of labour force problem due to the decreasing of birth rate. Intensifier:  less, lack, not so Kurang  can also be used before adjectives/stative verbs. It is used to express that the topic in question does not adhere to an expe...

Word of the Day: How to use 'Pula'

Cuma  can be used in the following ways: Pula  might be the most or among the most difficult word to master in Malay. For some usages, it has a corresponding phrase in English, but for most other usages, they would get lost in translation. Even in Malay,  pula  is mostly optional but knowning when to use it precisely is what will distinguish between a beginner and an intermediate learner. Since  pula  is used for emphasis, in many sistuations a glottal stop,  pula(k) --> pulak,  may be added to further stresses it. Conjunction:  as for, what about The first usage is rather simple. When talking about a topic, it is used to introduce or bring the conversation to another aspect/thing relating to the topic. When talking about more than one thing about a topic, anything after the first will also be followed by pula . It can also be used to return the same question or inciting a response from the person you're talking to relating to a topic. For...

Word of the Day: How to use 'Entah-entah'

Entah-entah  can be used in the following ways: (Conjecture Modal Auxiliary) Verb: Chances are..., for all I know... Entah-entah  can be used to conjecture a possibility without any evidence. It is merely used to entertain a possibility which in turn may justify or support the speaker's intention. Examples : 1. Entah-entah dialah yang bagi surat itu. Chances are he was the one who gave that letter. 2. Kalau anak tak mahu pergi (ke) sekolah, cakap dengan dia baik-baik, entah-entah kena buli. If a child doesn't want to go to school, talk to him kidnly, chances are he got bullied. 3. Jangan angkat nombor telefon tak kenal. Entah-entah scammer .  Don't answer unknown phone number. Chances are they're a scammer. 4. Entah-entah (apa) yang kita marah pada anak adalah teguran buat diri sendiri. For all we know the things we get angry at our child are (actually) a reminder for ourselves. Try writing your own sentences in the comment below...

Word of the Day: How to use 'Terus'

Terus  can be used in the following ways: (Transitive) Verb:  to continue, to proceed Terus  is used to describe engaging an action along it's course. It's usually used to express continuing a process to the next step. As a primary verb,  (meN)teruskan--> meneruskan  is followed by a direct object which is something that is continued after a pause or momentarily stop. Examples :  1. Saya akan teruskan pelajaran tak lama lagi.  I'll be continuing my study soon.  2. Pelajar digalakkan untuk meneruskan prestasi yang cemerlang.   Students are encouraged to continue their excellent performance.  3. Teruskan langkah walaupun menghadapi kesukaran.   Continue to step (ahead) even when experiencing hardships.  4. Kerajaan meneruskan pembangunan keretapi laju setelah tergendala.   The government will continue the development of high speed train after it has been interrupted. (Aspect Auxiliary) Verb: straight, immediately (after),...

Word of the Day: How to use 'Selalu'

Selalu can be used in the following ways: Adverb of Frequency:  always, often  Selalu describes an action being done at a high frequency. It is used with action verbs in which the occurence can be counted. Selalunya can be used at the beginning of a sentence as an adverbial expression meaning 'what is always (done/the case)'. Examples : 1. Dia selalu bangun awal pagi.  He always gets up early (in the morning). 2. Jangan selalu marah.   Don't always get angry! 3. Ibu bapa harus selalu menemani anak-anak semasa kecil.  Parents should always accompany children when they're young. 4. Antara petua gaya hidup yang sihat adalah selalu beriadah. One of (some) the tips of healthy lifestyle is doing exercise often. 5. Selalunya kalau Malaysia menang dalam apa-apa acara, esoknya akan cuti.  Usually, if Malaysia were to win in any matches, the next day will (be declared as) a holiday. Try writing your own sentences in the comment below...