Word of the Day: How to use 'Sementara'
Sementara can be used in the following ways: Adjective: temporary Sementara expresses the idea of temporariness implying that things will change eventually. Examples : 1. Dia hanyalah pembantu sementara. He is only a temporary asistant. 2. Hidup ini hanyalah sementara. This life is merely temporary. 3. Kita akan (meN)pindahkan operasi ke sini buat sementara waktu. We will move the operation here for a temporary time. 4. Penutupan sementara jalan itu menyebabkan kesesakan jalan raya. The temporary closure of that road has caused road traffic. Conjunction: while When used as a conjunction, sementara introduces a temporary time period in which the main action is taken. The clause with sementara can be an action performed by another subject or a temporary state in which the primary subject is experiencing. Examples : 1. Alia mengemas rumah sementara Hana memasak. Alia cleans the house while Hana is cooking. 2. Ayah membaca surat khabar sementa...