Word of the Day: How to use 'Kot'
Kot can be used in the following ways: (Conjecture) Particle: maybe, probably Kot or the correct spelling kut is usually placed at the end of a sentence or clause to express uncertainty of one's claim. The longer the vowel is lengthened, the more uncertain the speaker sounds. Examples : 1. Dia ada di situ kot. He might be there. 2. Entahlah, kad saya dah hilang kot. I don't know, my card might have already disappeared. 3. Aku syak (yang) dia inilah yang bersalah kot. I suspect that he probably was the guilty one. 4. Agaknya dia saja nak buat cerita kot. I guess he's only probably making stories. (Asserting) Particle : you know..., When pronounced fast and precisely, kot has an effect to assert one's claim. It is usually used to rebut or pursuade a previous opposing voice. Examples : 1. Cantik kot, baju ini! These clothes are beautiful. (Contrary to what I've been told) 2. Jomlah ikut aku. Aku belanja kot....