
Showing posts from February, 2025

Word of the Day: How to use 'Kot'

Kot  can be used in the following ways: (Conjecture) Particle:  maybe, probably Kot or the correct spelling kut  is usually placed at the end of a sentence or clause to express uncertainty of one's claim. The longer the vowel is lengthened, the more uncertain the speaker sounds. Examples : 1. Dia ada di situ kot.   He might be there.  2. Entahlah, kad saya dah hilang kot. I don't know, my card might have already disappeared.  3. Aku syak (yang) dia inilah yang bersalah kot.   I suspect that he probably was the guilty one.  4. Agaknya dia saja nak buat cerita kot.   I guess he's only probably making stories.   (Asserting) Particle :  you know..., When pronounced fast and precisely, kot has an effect to assert one's claim. It is usually used to rebut or pursuade a previous opposing voice. Examples : 1. Cantik kot, baju ini!   These clothes are beautiful. (Contrary to what I've been told)  2. Jomlah ikut aku. Aku belanja kot....

Word of the Day: How to use 'Macam'

Macam  can be used in the following ways: Adverb:  like At it's foundation, macam means like, which can be used the same way as seperti . Additionally, macam also implies manner as in the way to do something. In English, most of the time using 'this' or 'that' would suffice to direct someone to do something in a certain way. Bagai which is a more formal version can be used interchangeably.  Macam itu =   Begitu Macam ini  =  Begini Examples : 1. Buat macam ini.  Do it like this. 2. Jangan cakap macam itu.  Don't say (like) that! 3. Macam mana nak mohon status penduduk tetap?  How to apply for permanent resident? 4. Beginilah caranya kita mengatasi kelemahan diri tanpa mendatangkan keburukan. This is the way we overcome our weaknesses without causing harm. Semacam Adjective/Adverb:  weird(ly), suspicious(ly) Semacam is a rather unique way to express the speaker's suspicion over something often implying that something is wrong or out of th...

Word of the Day: How to use 'Seperti'

Seperti  can be used in the following ways: Conjunction:  like, as {resemblance}, such as {examples} Seperti can be used to liken something (a noun) with something else (another noun). Colloquially, it can most of the time interchanged with macam , though seperti is more suitable to be used with something more abstract while macam  something more ocncrete. When giving examples of a group of things, seperti is used. Examples : 1. Saya nak kemeja macam kemeja awak.  I want a shirt like your shirt. 2. Dia suka berkeliaran seperti binatang liar.  He likes to roam around like a wild animal. 3. Kalau ingin berjaya, buat seperti orang yang berjaya.  If you want to succeed, act as successful people (do). 4. Kami sedang mencari calon yang memenuhi kriteria seperti yang tersiar di akhbar.  We're looking for a candidate who fulfils the criteria as shown on the newspaper. 5. Malaysia ada menghasilkan buah-buahan tropikal seperti durian, mangga, dan manggis.  ...

Word of the Day: How to use 'Atas'

Atas  can be used in the following ways: Conjunction:  for {reason} Atas as a conjunction is used to explain reason of something by connecting to a noun phrase. It is distinct to kerana/sebab  as the following is used to connect to another clause. Furthermore, restructuring the same sentence using atas would sound more formal. Examples : 1. Terima kasih atas pertolongan anda.  Thank you for your help. 2. Syabas atas kerja keras anda.  Malaysia is famouse because it has tall buildings. 3. Kami meminta maaf atas kesilapan itu.  Thanks for accompanying me. 4. Keputusan sebulat suara tidak tercapai atas beberapa sebab.  An unamious decision could not be achieved for some reasons. Try writing your own sentences in the comment below...