Word of the Day: How to use 'Dapat'

Dapat can be used in the following ways:

Verb: to receive, to get

Dapat is used to describe the passive action of receiving. As a primary verb, (meN)dapat--> mendapat comes before the object which the subject receives. Using dapat implies that the subject is given the object in a passive way (the subject did not actively look for it) or the subject receives a certain outcome. (meN)terima --> menerima which is more formal can be used interchangeably.


1. Dia (meN)dapat hadiah sempena hari lahirnya.

 He got a gift in conjunction with his birthday.

 2. Saya menerima kesan buruk asap daripada kilang itu.

 I was affected negatively by the smoke from that factory.

 3. Mereka (meN)dapat tempat pertama dalam pertandingan itu.

 They got first place in that competition.

 4. Sudahkah anda menerima e-mel saya?

 Have you received my e-mail?


(Auxiliary) Verb: get to, manage to, be able to

When used before a primary verb, dapat expresses that the subject due to some external circumstances manages to perform the action. In a lot of these sentences, using 'boleh' does not make the sentences wrong but it will lose the nuance that dapat brings. 


1. Saya dapat balik rumah esok. 

I'll get to go home tomorrow. [After being unable to.]  

2. Semalam dia tak dapat periksa e-mel dia. 

He didn't get to check his e-mail yesterda. [Probably because he was too busy.]

3. Mereka tak dapat selesaikan masalah itu tanpa bos.

They were not able to solve that problem without the boss's presence.

4. Dapat telefon dia tak?

Did you manage to call him?


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