Word of the Day: How to use 'Bagi'

Bagi can be used in the following ways:

Verb: to give

Bagi is the more colloquial counterpart for beri. Bagi does not receive any affixes so it can be used accordingly as the primary verb. If there is an indirect object which would be the receiver, it would follow directly after bagi. Alternatively, kepada may also be used to denote the receiver when the indirect object does not directly follow bagi.


1. Bagi saya air kosong, satu gelas.   

 Give me a glass of plain water!

2. Ayah bagi adik duit belanja.

 Father gave sister (younger sibling) allowance

3. Jangan bagi kad pengenalan kepada orang tak kenal.

 Do not give your identification card to strangers!

4. Bagitahu cikgu kalau tak sihat.

 Tell [lit: give know] me (teacher) if you're not well!


Preposition: (as) for

Bagi can be used to limit the scope of a certain effect or benefit to the identified subject.


1. Pelajaran ini terlalu susah bagi saya.   

 This lesson is too difficult for me.

2. Bagi saya, masa untuk menjawab soalan ini tidak cukup.

 For me, the time to answer this question is not enough.

3. Rumah yang besar itu sesuai bagi keluarga dia.  

 That big house is suitable for her family

4. Bagi saya, tak ada apa-apa yang mustahil.

 There is nothing impossible for me.

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