Word of the Day: How to use 'Akan'

Akan can be used in the following ways:

(Aspect Auxiliary) Verb: will {planned events}

Akan is placed before the primary verb to express that the event will take place in the future. Be cautious that when akan is used, it does not reflect the will of the speaker, instead it is an objective way to state that it is scheduled to happen. As such, we do not use akan when expressing spontaneous intention. But when used spontaneously, it asserts a strong declaration as if the speaker is making an oath. Note that the negation word 'tak' can be combined with akan to form takkan.


1. Saya akan pergi ke negara Singapura.   

 I will go to Singapore. [It has been scheduled and I might have already bought the tickets.]

 2. Maaf, Encik Mazlan tak akan berada di pejabat esok.  

 Sorry, Mr. Mazlan will not be present at the office tomorrow. 

 3. Dia berjanji akan (meN)tolong saya.

 He promised that he will help me.

 4. Sesi sekolah akan mula pada awal Januari.

 School session will start in early January.

 5. Saya tak akan tinggalkan awak.

I will not abandon you.

(Modal Auxiliary) Verb: will {predicted events}

Besides scheduled events, akan can also be used with events that are foreseen to happen based on certain facts or trends.  


1. Esok, hujan akan turun.   

It will rain tomorrow.  

2. Sudah pukul 10 malam, dia takkan datang. 

It's already 10 p.m., he's not coming.

3. Awak akan gagal kalau tak belajar.

You will fail if you don't study.

4. Adakah banjir akan berlaku tahun ini?

Will it flood this year?


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