
Showing posts from September, 2023

Word of the Day: How to use 'Kira'

Kira can be used in the following ways: Verb:  to count, to calculate, to care (meN)Kira--> mengira is a verb that expresses the idea to count or calculate. It can also be used to express the idea that something is taken into consideration which usually is used in negative sentences. Examples : 1. Kira sampai sepuluh.  Count until 10! 2. Kanak-kanak perlu belajar mengira dan membaca.  Kids have to learn counting and reading. 3. Saya tak kira apa akibatnya.  I don't care what the consequences are. 4. Dia tidak kira berapa orang yang akan hadir.  He doesn't care/count how many people are attending.   Kira-Kira Adverb:  around, about, approximately When duplicated,  kira-kira  is used as an adverb before numbers to express an approximation. Examples : 1. Kira-kira 10 orang tercedera.  Around 10 people were injured. 2. Saya akan sampai kira-kira dalam 10 minit.  I'll be there within about 10 minutes. 3. Kerja ini akan mengambil kira-kira 10 hari untuk siap.  This task will t

Word of the Day: How to use 'Semasa'

Semasa  can be used in the following ways: Conjunction:  when, while (Se)masa is used to introduce the time frame when the main action takes place. The clause with semasa  can be a state or a process action (an action that takes place for a period of time). (Se)waktu can be used interchangeably. Examples : 1. Kami selalu bermain bersama-sama waktu kecil.  We always played together when we were young. 2. Jangan bermain di luar masa hujan.  Don't play outside when it's raining. 3. Semalam ada orang datang ke rumah semasa awak sedang tidur.  Someone came yesterday while you were sleeping. 4. Saya rasa paling bahagia semasa berada di sisi dia. I felt the happiest when I was at his side. Try writing your own sentences in the comment below...